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Study In France

Study In France

If you are a student from India, what are the requirements to study in France?

Do you have any plans to continue your studies after high school in France?

Are you debating whether or not it would be a smart idea to earn either your bachelor’s or master’s degree in France as a potential country option?
When deciding where to pursue their higher education, it is fairly common for students from other countries to consider the aforementioned issues. The process of choosing a university requires a significant amount of investigation. In addition to this, it will be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make about your professional life, which is why you should exercise caution and consider every angle.
Therefore, before you make the move to study in France, you need to ensure that you have a complete understanding of all of the relevant particulars.
Let’s break the code on all of the questions that are running through your head as you consider studying in France for the programme of your choice.
France is the crown jewel of Europe, but what about the quality of its educational system?
For international students looking to study in Europe, France is the second most desirable location after the United Kingdom.
Have you any idea? International students make up around 10% of total enrollment in France’s higher education institutions. It’s hard to believe, but right now there are 250,000 students from other countries attending school in France to study a variety of subjects.
Students from all over the world aspire to attend colleges in France not only because of the high level of education they may receive there but also because of the joyful way of life that the French have.
The fact that French colleges impose tuition rates that are quite affordable is another reason for their appeal.
You will receive an education of exceptional calibre if you choose to pursue your further education in France. The exceptional level is reflected in the excellent instruction as well as the excellent educational resources. And if you are interested in conducting research in any field, there are a plethora of chances available to you in France.
Do you really want to pass up the chance to get your education at the most sought-after location for students across Europe? The situation will undoubtedly provide a number of difficulties for overseas students; yet, what would life be without at least a few obstacles? Aren’t you getting excited just thinking about being a part of the legendary organisation that you’ve definitely daydreamed about? Then continue to daydream for a while longer if you want to make it a reality, since your desire of going to school in France will come true as soon as you have all of the necessary facts.
We at Overseas Educator think that in order to be successful, one must have access to the appropriate knowledge, and education is the means by which one may get such access. Let’s take a look at some of the questions that you, as an international student, could have about studying in France.


What kind of financial commitment is required to attend school in France?

There is no question that the cost of receiving an education in France is not prohibitively high; nevertheless, this also depends on the individual’s lifestyle.
The following are the key components that make up the various costs associated with pursuing an education in France:
  • Cost of attendance at the University or Institution of Your Choosing
  • The expense of university study (which includes social security contribution, semester charges, and other sundry charges)
  • The expense of living
  • Insurance for medical care
  • Rentals and lodgings are available.
  • Food & Beverage
  • Entertainment expenses
  • Transport
  • Basic utilities, etc.

Education Costs

As an international student in Europe, you have the option of attending either a public or a private university, just as you would in any other country in the world.
The tuition rates at public institutions in France were determined by the government and are consistent throughout the country.
However, this may not be the case with private universities, since these institutions often have their own set of rules and regulations.
Citizens of nations in the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as permanent residents of Switzerland have access to nearly insignificant tuition rates at public institutions, allowing them to pursue higher education without breaking the bank (except for a small charge of around a few euros per year).
Students coming from countries that are not a part of the EU are required to pay a greater tuition fee than students coming from European nations.

The following is the breakdown of tuition and fees for overseas students:

  • The cost of a Bachelor’s degree is now 2,770 euros per year.
  • The annual tuition for a master’s degree is 3,770 euros.
  • 380 euros per year for a doctorate or a doctoral degree.
Note that the figures presented above only apply to public colleges; the tuition fees at private universities might be far more expensive.

The Expenses of College

When intending to study in a foreign country, students sometimes forget about these associated fees.
However, one must take them into consideration because the payment must be made in euros.

These expenses could include the following items:

  • Fees required for registration.
  • Semester costs.
  • Payments under the Social Security System
  • Costs associated with administration.
  • Insurance.
  • Transport.
To put a price on these costs, a semester’s tuition can range anywhere from roughly 400 to 700 euros (or the equivalent in other currencies).
In addition, the number does not account for any costs associated with lodging.

Cost of Living Expenses

Moving on to the aspect of your costs that is most important when you are intending to study in France, the cost of living in France is, of course, the most important factor.
Average Monthly Cost in EUR
Average Monthly Cost in INR
Rental for 1 bedroom apartment 550 37,603.50
Basic Utilities (Electricity, Water, etc.) 140 9,571.80
Monthly Pass (Transport) 48 3,281.76
Telephone, Internet, etc. 28 1,914.36
Recreation 100 6,837.00
Food and Drink 145 9,913.65
Monthly Average Spend (in EUR) 1,011 69,122.07
To reiterate, this is a non-specific appearance that would vary from city to city. Consider the fact that if you want to rent an apartment in the heart of Paris, you should be prepared to spend significantly more money.
Therefore, before you begin the application process, you should investigate the institutions in France and establish the total cost of attendance.
Now let’s understand:

Where can I get information about the prerequisites for studying in France?

To be able to attend one of France’s prestigious institutions at a cost that is within your means, it is necessary for you to satisfy a number of prerequisites.
These prerequisites could be different for students who are applying to different levels of education.

For Undergraduate Programs in French Universities:

  • It is important to keep in mind that before applying for any courses at French institutions, you must first ensure that you satisfy all of the eligibility standards for all of the undergraduate courses.
  • If you wish to enrol in an undergraduate programme in France, you are going to need to provide a diploma from your high school.
  • They want it in order to obtain the French degree.
  • In order to be accepted into an undergraduate programme in France, you are required to have a passing score on the university admissions test administered in your home country.
  • If you are considering applying to technical colleges, you need to ensure that you are prepared to participate in the personal interview process.
  • You are also need to submit your scores from the TOEFL and the IELTS.

For Postgraduate Programs:

The variety of postgraduate education options available in France has earned the country a stellar international reputation.
If you wish to submit an application for a postgraduate programme in France, you will first need to ensure that you meet the requirements for eligibility for PG courses.
In addition, postgraduate studies in French can be broken down into three distinct subfields: doctorates and Ph.D.s, research masters and taught masters, and taught masters.
  • You need to have a Bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible for admission into the master’s programme, and this is the primary criterion.
  • You are required to hold a master’s degree in order to be considered for admission to the doctorate programme.
  • The results of standardised examinations such as the SAT, GRE, GMAT, and so on are frequently required for admission to institutions in France.
  • There is a possibility that admission to select colleges will also be granted depending on the results of the interview.
Your prior education will determine which of the most prestigious colleges in France you are eligible to apply to now that you are aware of all these requirements.
If you meet all of these prerequisites, you will be one step closer to studying at one of the most prestigious colleges in Europe, where you will be surrounded by a rich tradition.

Is it possible to study in France?

Of course, YES.
Why is it, exactly?
The French higher education system, in contrast to that of the majority of other nations in Europe, is consistently ranked among the very finest in the whole world. It also happens to be one of the ones that is the easiest to get to.
Every year, institutions in France are consistently ranked among the best universities in the world.
France offers 71 public institutions, all of which are supported by the national government. These universities provide international students with access to an education of the highest calibre at a cost that is relatively reasonable.


The French economy and financial sector are among the most advanced in the world.

If you wish to study disciplines that are linked to business, France is an excellent choice for you as a study location.
The nation is a leader in the field of international business and management education and features prominently in the rankings of a significant number of business schools all over the world.

Universities of World-Class Quality That Are Extremely Affordable

Study options in France are spread out across a wide variety of academic establishments. And several of them hold strong positions in the ranks of the top universities in Europe and elsewhere in the world.
Students in France can choose from one of France’s 321 academic programmes at one of the country’s 64 designated institutions.
The fact that France is home to a significant number of individuals who have been awarded the Nobel Prize is another another piece of evidence demonstrating that France is among the most advanced countries in the world in terms of higher education.
A degree earned from a university in France will allow you to enter numerous doors in many other countries.
That is the image that people all across the world have of France.
You won’t have to break the bank to become a student at one of these highly regarded educational institutions.

Fantastic Occasions to Obtain Employment

After you have completed your studies and received your diploma, the options available to you professionally in France will be extensive.
Also, a recent study indicated that Europe is one of the better regions in the world for equal chances for women with regard to learning, living, and working. This was proven to be the case in all three of these areas. France comes in third place overall.
Therefore, you won’t have to worry about your future if you complete your further education in France.

You’ll stand out to potential employers in a positive way.

French is the second most widely spoken language in Europe and is often ranked as one of the most frequently used languages in the business sector.
You will be able to demonstrate an excellent command of this language by the time these years have passed, which will be a remarkable addition to your resume.
Staying far away from home, having new experiences, and doing everything on your own will help you develop as a person in every manner, especially if you choose to study or work in a foreign country.

Easier Access to Visas and Improved Medical Services

The medical care delivery system in European countries is highly organised and methodical. People from all over the world are familiar with the comprehensive healthcare offered in France. It is said that the health care system in France is the “best overall health care” in the world.
If you are a student from a country that is not a member of the European Union and you are going to study in France, you are required to enrol in the French healthcare system so that you may take advantage of its many benefits.
Students from the EU and EEA need just provide their EHIC cards.

Is it possible to further your education in English in France?

If you do not have any knowledge of the French language, your alternatives may be more restricted. However, this does not preclude the possibility of studying in English in a French university.
You are more than capable of doing so!
You won’t be able to finish your degree programme in English at any French institution, but the universities might give you specific classes in English on topics like business and economics for sure. Another thing to keep in mind is that you won’t be able to finish your degree programme in English.
Except in Sciences Po. Only at Sciences Po, a French institution, are sufficient numbers of classes taught in English for a year’s worth of study to be considered genuine.
It provides a variety of undergraduate courses, each of which requires an entrance test in order to enrol.

Science Po is one of a kind for the following three reasons:

  • It is a famous institution in France that accepts only undergraduate students and can only be entered into by taking a test.
  • Because studying in a foreign country is a requirement for all of its third-year students, Sciences Po hosts hundreds of students participating in exchange programmes from all over the world each year.
  • As a result of the need that students at Sciences Po have a high level of English proficiency, the school provides a large number of classes in English for both its own students and for visiting students.
Because this is an institution that is quite popular among students from other countries, you need to get moving on the admissions process as soon as it is possible to do so.